Hi! My name is Mike Carr and I've been a Toastmaster for 6626 days!

Why did you create this site?

I completed my first HPL developing a training module for the different Toastmasters information systems available. In working within the Toastmasters community I was left with a list of systems/tools/reports that didn't presently exist. Creating this site is my way of addressing this shortfall.

I'm a huge fan of the work that George Marshall and Mike Raffety have done for Toastmasters. As Charles Colton said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". If you have the ability to help, you should.

I enjoy working on a project like this as is allows me to play with different technologies.

What tools do you use with this site?

Do you have help from people?

Yes, I had assisted many Area Governors and Division Governors in my original D21 who helped to clarify for me what information was helpful at a local area/division level.

Margaret Page, D21 District Governor, was good enough to use me as a resource for district reporting which was my first insight into the mind of the DG's, RA's and ID's.

Gene Vickers D96 DG, Teresa Ferris D96 LGET, Steve Kim D96 Webmaster, Tom Ireland D96 Division D Governor have all been gracious enough to offer me feedback and support in 2014-2015.